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Terminalia Catappa

Terminalia Catappa

Height: 1-2 FT

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Azadirachta indica, commonly known as Neem, is a revered evergreen tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Standing up to 66 feet tall, it boasts a dense canopy of pinnate leaves with numerous leaflets, offering ample shade. Neem's leaves, seeds, and bark have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for their potent medicinal properties, treating various ailments. Beyond its medicinal value, Neem serves as a natural pesticide, protecting crops and enhancing soil fertility. Its cultural significance in festivals and customs reflects its deep-rooted importance in Asian traditions. With its multifaceted benefits, Azadirachta indica continues to be hailed as a miraculous and valuable gift from nature.




Tag: Azadirachta indica, Neem tree

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