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Thespesia Populnea

Thespesia Populnea

Height: 1-2 FT

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Introducing the Cordia Sebestena, a burst of vibrant beauty for your garden oasis! With its mesmerizing scarlet-orange blossoms and glossy green leaves, this tropical beauty is a true showstopper. The Cordia Sebestena boasts an impressive height, making it perfect for adding bold color and vertical interest to any outdoor space. Its plump flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies, transforming your garden into a fluttering paradise. This hardy and low-maintenance plant thrives in a variety of climates, offering year-round blossoms that will delight your senses. Whether you're looking to create a vibrant focal point or enhance your existing garden, the Cordia Sebestena is the perfect addition. Elevate your outdoor sanctuary and invite nature's finest with this remarkable flowering treasure.

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